Forbidden strawberries

Cipora Hurwitz

FORBIDDEN STRAWBERRIES by Cipora Hurwitz See Jews Without Power ISBN 978-1-885881-38-0 LIST PRICE $19.99 Cipora Hurwitz (Fela Rozensztajn) was less than six years old when the Second World War erupted. All at once the life of her tranquil family became a Hell. FORBIDDEN STRAWBERRIES is the riveting auto-biography of Cipora Hurwitz, an innocent young girl caught up in the Maelstrom of the Holocaust. Her eldest brother survived the war by the skin of his teeth by fleeing to the Soviet Union. The second brother was murdered when only sixteen. Her parents, by great efforts, succeeded in hiding their little daughter and thereby save her life. Devastatingly, they themselves were unable to escape the hands of the murderers. Cipora, as yet a young child and an orphan, was miraculously saved after surviving the Budzyn camps and the Majdanek extermination camp. The author relates the story of her life during the Holocaust to a delegation of Hashomer Hatzair youth and Israeli High School students on a mission to the death camps in Poland. In FORBIDDEN STRAWBERRIES, Cipora presents her testimony on what transpired to her family and friends who were exterminated, thus paying tribute to their memory. Read the book.This is a gripping life story and extremely important, because aside from one other person (today living in the United States) who, similar to the author, also survived as a young child after enduring concentration camps together with his father (unlike the author), there is no other story comparable to this with which I am acquainted. Professor Yehuda Bauer (Holocaust Historian, Israel Prize recipient) A review